Swiss NeuroPaediatric Stroke Registry

Publikationen des SNPSR

Sarah E. Buerki, Denis Grandgirard, Alexandre N. Datta, Annette Hackenberg, Florence Martin, Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke, Stephen L. Leib, Maja Steinlin, on behalf of the Swiss Neuropediatric Stroke Registry Study Group
Inflammatory markers in pediatric stroke: An attempt to better understanding the pathophysiology

European Journal of Paediatric Neurology

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Salome Kornfeld, Juan Antonio Delgado Rodríguez, Regula Everts, Alain Kaelin-Lang, Roland Wiest, Christian Weisstanner, Pasquale Mordasini, Maja Steinlin and Sebastian Grunt
Cortical reorganisation of cerebral networks after childhood stroke: impact on outcome

Neurology published online June 2015

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Sebastian Grunt, MD, PhD, Lea Mazenauer, MD, Sarah E. Buerki, MD, Eugen Boltshauser, MD, Andrea Capone Mori, MD, Alexandre N. Datta, MD, Joel Fluss, MD, Danielle Mercati, MD, Elmar Keller, MD, Oliver Maier, MD, Claudia Poloni, MD, Gian-Paolo Ramelli, MD, Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke, MD, Maja Steinlin, MD
Incidence and Outcomes of Symptomatic Neonatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke

PEDIATRICS Volume 135, number 5, May 2015

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Barbara Goeggel Simonetti, MD, Ariane Cavelti, MD, Marcel Arnold, MD, Sandra Bigi, MD, MSc, Mária Regényi, MD, Heinrich P. Mattle, MD, Jan Gralla, MD, MSc, Joel Fluss, MD, Peter Weber, MD, Annette Hackenberg, MD Maja Steinlin, MD, Urs Fischer, MD, MSc
Long-term outcome after arterial ischemic stroke in children and young adults

Neurology 84 May 12, 2015

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Martina Studer, Eugen Boltshauser, Andrea Capone Mori, et al.
Factors affecting cognitive outcome in early pediatric stroke

Neurology published online January 31, 2014

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Sonja Stettler, Marwan El-Koussy, Barbara Ritter, Eugen Boltshauser, Pierre-Y. Jeannet, Petra Kolditz, Andreas Meyer-Heim, Maja Steinlin
Non-traumatic spinal cord ischaemia in childhood e Clinical manifestation, neuroimaging and outcome

European journal of paediatric neurology 17 (2013) 176–84

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Sebastian Grunt, Maja Steinlin
Maternal risk factors for neonatal ischaemic stroke

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 2013, 55: 7 bis 14

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Barbara Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara Ritter, Matthias Gautschi, Edith Wehrli, Eugen Boltshauser, Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke, Peter Weber, Markus Weissert, Marwan El-Koussy, Maja Steinlin
Basilar artery stroke in childhood

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2013, 55: 65–70

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Maja Steinlin
A Clinical Approach to Arterial Ischemic Childhood Stroke: Increasing Knowledge over the Last Decade

Neuropediatrics 2012;43:1–9

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Sandra Bigi, MD, Urs Fischer, MD, MSc, Edith Wehrli, MD, Heinrich P. Mattle, MD, Eugen Boltshauser, MD, Sarah Bürki, MD, Pierre-Yves Jeannet, MD, Joel Fluss, MD, Peter Weber, MD, Krassen Nedeltchev, MD, Marwan El-Koussy, MD, Maja Steinlin, MD, and Marcel Arnold, MD
Acute Ischemic Stroke in Children versus Young Adults

ANN NEUROL 2011;70:245–254

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Charlotte Martin, Erik von Elm, Marwan El-Koussy, Eugen Boltshauser, Maja Steinlin on behalf of the Swiss Neuropediatric Stroke Registry study group
Delayed diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke in children – a registry-based study in Switzerland

Swiss Med Wkly. 2011;141:w13281

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Sebastian Grunt, Kevin Wingeier, Edith Werli, Eugen Boltshauser, Andrea Capone, Joel Fluss, Danielle Gubser-Mercati, Pierre-Yves Jeannet, Elmar Keller, Jean-Pierre Marcoz, Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke, Peter Weber, Markus Weissert, Maja Steinlin
Cerebral sinus venous thrombosis in Swiss children

Developmental Medicine und Child Neurology 2010, 52: 1145 bis 1150

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Sarah Bürki, Katja Roelin, Luca Remonda, Danielle Gubser Mercati, Pierre-Yves Jeannet, Elmar Kellers, Juerg Luetschg, Caroline Menache, Gian Paolo Ramelli, Thomas Schmitt-Mechelke, Markus Weissert, Eugen Boltshauser, Maja Steinlin
Neuroimaging in childhood arterial ischaemic stroke: evaluation of imaging modalities and aetiologies

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2010, 52: 1033–1037

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Marcel Arnold, Maja Steinlin, Andreas Baumann, Krassen Nedeltchev, Luca Remonda, Sonya Jourdan Moser, Marie-Luise Mono, Gerhard Schroth, Heinrich P. Mattle and Ralf W. Baumgartner
Thrombolysis in Childhood Stroke : Report of 2 Cases and Review of the Literature

Stroke. 2009; 40:801–807

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Steinlin M.
Kindlicher ischämischer Schlaganfall. Wann daran denken? Was unternehmen?

Monatsschr Kinderheilk. 2008 Dec; 156(12):1223–1232

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Pavlovic J, Kaufmann F, Boltshauser E, Capone Mori A, Gubser Mercati D, Haenggeli CA, Keller E, Lutschg J, Marcoz JP, Ramelli GP, Roulet Perez E, Schmitt-Mechelke T, Weissert M, Steinlin M.

Neuropsychological problems after paediatric stroke: two year follow-up of Swiss children.

Neuropediatrics. 2006 Feb;37(1):13-9

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Steinlin M, Pfister I, Pavlovic J, Everts R, Boltshauser E, Capone Mori A, Gubser Mercati D, Hanggeli CA, Keller E, Luetschg J, Marcoz J, Ramelli GP, Roulet Perez E, Schmitt-Mechelke T, Weissert M; The Swiss Societies of Paediatric Neurology and Neonatology.

The first three years of the Swiss Neuropaediatric Stroke Registry (SNPSR): a population-based study of incidence, symptoms and risk factors.

Neuropediatrics. 2005 Apr;36(2):90-7

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M. Steinlin, M. Mackay

Emergency management of ischemic stroke in children

Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2015 May;17(5):349


M. Steinlin

Cerebrovascular disorders in childhood

Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;112:1053-64


Buerki S, Steinlin M.

Coexistent childhood renovascular and cerebrovascular disease

Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013 Apr;55(4):297-8


Schlapbach LJ, Adams M, Proietti E, Aebischer M, Grunt S, Borradori-Tolsa C, Bickle-Graz M, Bucher HU, Latal B, Natalucci G; Swiss Neonatal Network & Follow-up Group.

Outcome at two years of age in a Swiss national cohort of extremely preterm infants born between 2000 and 2008

BMC Pediatr. 2012 Dec 28;12:198


Everts R, Lidzba K, Wilke M, Kiefer C, Wingeier K, Schroth G, Perrig W, Steinlin M.

Lateralization of cognitive functions after stroke in childhood.

Brain Inj. 2010;24(6):859-70. doi: 10.3109/02699051003724978


Everts R, Pavlovic J, Kaufmann F, Uhlenberg B, Seidel U, Nedeltchev K, Perrig W, Steinlin M.

Cognitive functioning, behavior, and quality of life after stroke in childhood

Child Neuropsychol. 2008 Jul;14(4):323-38


Kirkham F, Sebire G, Steinlin M, Strater R.

Arterial ischaemic stroke in children. Review of the literature and strategies for future stroke studies.

Thromb Haemost. 2004 Oct;92(4):697-706


Steinlin M, Roellin K, Schroth G.

Long-term follow-up after stroke in childhood.

Eur J Pediatr. 2004 Apr;163(4-5):245-50